Twitter is a beautiful and magical place where, in 140 characters or less, women are changing the world. Ok fine, maybe not always “changing the world,” but definitely making solid jokes about our boobs.
i bought a beyonce christmas ornament with absolutely no thought of buying a christmas tree.
— king crissle (@crissles) December 18, 2017
i’m sitting next to a woman who is trying to explain to her boyfriend who Shaggy is. it is taking forever and she is trying so hard and it is truly entertaining
— Lane Moore (@hellolanemoore) December 21, 2017
I’m going to just relax and try to enjoy the last of my vacation and Christmas.
— GigiEngle (@GigiEngle) December 23, 2017
“Per my last e-mail” is office speak for “bitch can you read”
— Cookie? (@OhEmmeG) December 21, 2017
Tbh watching clueless bros try to navigate Sephora is one of the most pure holiday traditions.
— Ella Cerón (@ellaceron) December 16, 2017