How could he, elled4?
“My ex locked me out of my own iPad for 43 years.”
Meme-threatening is a new low, lovetempests:
One guy would send me super angry texts for months after our breakup saying “you’re a b*tch” and “have fun being a meme for the rest of your life!”.
We were dating for two weeks!!!!!!
Hey bootychug, does this legally qualify as…battery?
After I moved out, he found my apartment and stole the battery out of my car so I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere. We lived in a super small town, so he didn’t have to look very far, unfortunately.
That’s not petty THAT’S MURDER Cromium_kate:
He killed my fish by dumping dish soap in my fish tank. It was a bubbly smelly mess.
Also, he broke all my jewelry and punched several holes in the wall that same day. I was more upset about the fish, though, because who the fuck does that?
Lol. I wish I had more backstory, TheMeatMenace:
Stole my shoes so I couldn’t get on the plane.