As much as we like to say we “hate everybody” and “no one understands us,” there are those select moments where someone says something that’s so relatable, we just can’t help but say “damn, that’s so me.” Then, we proceed to screenshot the message and send it to literally everyone we know. The usual.
Twitter’s “Who to Follow” suggestions are a genius, expertly curated list of people you already know and consciously choose not to follow.
— Sean Rose (@seanrose) December 28, 2017
As a student the most comforting words you'll ever hear are " I haven't started either"
— Joey ?? (@Jdxthompson) January 27, 2018
If you honk at me .025 seconds after the light turns green I’m going to put my vehicle in park, adjust my seat, check my tire pressure, change my oil, return some emails, eat a snack, read a book, brush my teeth, nap, and build a Lego set
— Bob Ross fan account (@wiitennispro) December 27, 2017