Immigrant Denied Job Through A Horribly Racist Email, But The Internet Fought Back

This is when an incredible good Samaritan who apparently works in a law firm stepped in. This person was disgusted by Bruce Peterson’s email to Emily’s dad just like everyone should. Incredibly this person decided to go above and beyond and contact the company. It didn’t stop there they even also offered to help the family take legal actions against the company pro bono. It’s obvious Minh is a far greater man than Bruce Peterson will ever be. Minh chose to forgive him and move on from the situation. Although the story doesn’t stop there.

After the story of the email, Minh received gained more and more popularity the company eventually reached out to the family. A little bit of justice was served because Bruce Peterson was fired! It’s a small victory and although I never want to see anyone lose their job there have to be consequences. You may think this is innocent and a firing isn’t warranted and that right there shows how big the problem truly is.

Not only did Twitter help bring some justice to a bad situation but they also offered support to the family. It’s awesome to see people offering jobs it seems people forgot this country was built by immigrants. A lot of peoples grandparents aren’t even from this country we aren’t that far removed from those days. I’m just happy to see Minh isn’t discouraged and is still learning. It’s also nice Twitter proves that there’s still a bit of humanity left. I wonder if Emily sharing her father’s story with the internet was the right thing to do and after the results, I can’t help but think it was.