Host Matt Lauer was fired from his post at NBC’s “Today” show after the company received a complaint concerning “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.” His veteran co-host Savannah Guthrie opened the show with this news on Wednesday morning, saying “This is a sad morning at ‘Today’ and NBC News. As I’m sure you can understand, we are devastated. I’m heartbroken for Matt. He is my dear, dear colleague.”
Matt Lauer has been terminated from NBC News. On Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace by Matt Lauer. As a result, we’ve decided to terminate his employment.
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) November 29, 2017
But there are those who are absolutely stoked on Matt Lauer’s untimely termination. These people are fans of Ann Curry, who saw Lauer as the major player behind Curry’s removal from The Today Show back in 2012. Curry had supposedly been fired from “Good Morning America” because ratings fell, but in reality Lauer was losing viewers because “he was less appealing” AKA a giant nasty creep. The perverts are dropping like flies, and the Twitter hashtag “Somewhere Ann Curry…” is currently spreading like wildfire.
Somewhere Ann Curry is still not an anchor of a top-rated morning show and her career is still destroyed after what that creep did to her.
— Jehmu (@Jehmu) November 29, 2017
Somewhere Ann Curry is breaking out that bottle of champagne she had saved for a “special occasion”
— Travis Gain❄️ (@tgain83) November 29, 2017
Somewhere Ann Curry is sitting next to a Christmas tree, sipping a cup of coffee, and mouthing these three simple words
— Lisa Limon (@LisaLimonTx) November 29, 2017
Somewhere Ann Curry is break dancing #MattLauer
— Sh@r¡ (@Sharipep) November 29, 2017
Somewhere, Ann Curry sips a tea and relaxes in a chair.
— Black Working Class. (@culturedstate) November 29, 2017
Somewhere Ann Curry just started a group text with "Biiiiiiiiiitch" #TodayShow #mattlauer
— OJDidit (@cookiemonsterm8) November 29, 2017
So Lauer is out at the Today Show. Hmmmm. Somewhere Ann Curry and Tamron Hall are somewhere doing this:
— Toya Gatewood (@ToyaGatewood) November 29, 2017
Ann Curry upon hearing Matt Lauer has been fired…#karma
— just_one_elisha (@just_one_elisha) November 29, 2017
Matt Lauer just caught his karma bus and Ann Curry was driving
— T Sanders (@troiselaine) November 29, 2017
Somewhere Ann Curry is having a nice bowl of Frosted Karma Flakes.
— Dirk Peterson (@PacosFriend) November 29, 2017
Somewhere Ann Curry is holding a well deserved glass of champagne. Beautiful karma #mattlauer #TodayShow #anncurray #bringbackann
— Shay Shay (@ShayLovey29) November 29, 2017
Somewhere, Ann Curry sips a mimosa and smiles.
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) November 29, 2017
"Somewhere Ann Curry" is foregoing a hearty breakfast for just deserts.
— Diane (@flawdanative) November 29, 2017
Matt Lauer was fired from the Today Show for inappropriate sexual behavior. Somewhere Ann Curry is like
— savagetay (@ImHonestTho) November 29, 2017
Well, $25 million is freed up for The Today Show. Who’s going to replace Matt Lauer. Somewhere, Ann Curry is saying…
— Tracy Tran (@tracytran) November 29, 2017
Somewhere, Ann Curry and Tamron Hall are doing this.
— J4K Madre (@J4kMadre) November 29, 2017
Somewhere Ann Curry and ALL the other women who left their jobs and/or the industry because of what "men" like Matt Lauer, Thrush, Rose, Weinstein, Conyers, Trump did to them – and I'm sure we're just beginning to hit the tip of the huge iceberg.
— Amy Siskind (@Amy_Siskind) November 29, 2017
Fans also flocked to Curry’s Instagram, sharing messages of support on her latest image (which just so happens to be a picture of coquelles, which are like the most vagina-looking food…IRONIC?):