Twitter Is Dragging Dunkin Donuts For Displaying This Horribly Racist Sign In A Store

The popular coffee franchize Dunkin Donuts is facing immense backlash online after a photo of a sign featured in one of their stores went viral on the web.
The sign apparently first appeared in a Baltimore store, put out by the general manager of the particular location. The sign read:

“If you hear any of our staff SHOUTING in a language other than ENGLISH Please call 443-415-7775 immediately with the name of the employee to receive a coupon for FREE Coffee and a pastry.”


Many people on Twitter were outraged and disgusted to see that a company would allow this kind of sign to be presented in their store–calling it racist. And, many users on Twitter began asking why the company allowed this and what they would do to fix it.

Many even mentioned they would be boycotting Dunkin Donuts altogether until the franchize dealt with the issue and fired the person responsible for the sign.

Dunkin Donuts replied to users with this statement:

BuzzFeed claims the company will not discuss whether or not the general manager who put up the sign has been fired, because it’s a “private matter.”