Lil Tay’s Outrageous Videos Got Her Mom Fired From Her Actual Job

If you don’t know who Lil Tay is, consider yourself lucky.

The 9-year-old social media “star” recently became a well-known name when she started publishing videos to her Instagram count that exhibit some inappropriate behavior for any kid that young. The self-proclaimed “boss” has been seen on social media flaunting cash, cars, and luxury items (that belong to who knows who).

While her videos are absolutely insane and disgusting–1.7 million people follow her to watch them, which says more about society today than anything else (disappointed in y’all). One of the biggest questions everyone has asked is–where are Lil Tay’s parents?

Apparently, Lil Tay’s mom, Angela Tian, had been seen several times in the background of Lil Tay’s videos–filming her. After the videos went viral and more people began talking about Lil Tay–her mother had to deal with the consequences of being involved in such ridiculous behavior.

According to VICE–Lil Tay’s mother was working for a real estate firm, Pacific West Realty. After the videos were seen by her employers, the real estate company fired Tian from their firm and asked her not to return.


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Jim Lew, director of business development for the firm, told Daily Hive:

When we found out about this activity last week we had to dismiss her.

He also claimed that the behavior presented in Lil Tay’s videos has “no place” in their company or the real estate industry. According to other reports, however, Tian was let go after she “used her bosses car” in one of Lil Tay’s videos. Global News reported that Tian asked one of her bosses if she could “take a photo” in front of his Mercedes 500 SL–to which he agreed.

However, Tian and Lil Tay filmed an inappropriate video using the car instead, and without her boss’ permission. After he found out the video was posted and seen by almost 2 million people, he said he was “outraged and disappointed.”

Word to the wise–stop letting your kids run wild on social media–it could come back to bite you in the a**, y’all.