A lot of times in relationships, it’s important to cherish your significant other when they make an effort. We always want our partner to show that they love and care for us. But, there is a difference between saying “thank you” to our partner for doing things they should do, and praising them for doing them. We call this the “bare minimum” in relationships. If a guy is complimenting you, holding the door open for you, or just being affectionate with you–that’s what they should be doing in their relationship. You don’t need to praise them with a collage of photos on social media and a 900-word caption about how amazing they are. Sis, get it together. Recently, Twitter has decided to call out all the women who are constantly kissing their guy’s ass for doing the bare minimum in relationships and honestly, I can’t stop laughing.
guy: *opens a door for his girlfriend*
bare minimum twitter: marry his sis?Where can I get a man like this?? ?— Satans Nut ♡ (@damn_lui) November 22, 2017
Bare minimum twitter always getting thousands of retweets pic.twitter.com/zpVQrmpOWM
— – (@MlKEHEADLY) February 12, 2018
Boy: shows basic human respect for a woman
bare minimum twitter: Where Y’all Finding These Men???? ????????????????????????????????????????
— olivia? (@oliviarubinelli) November 19, 2017
He carried my luggage up the stairs cause there were no elevators. #BareMinimumTwitter pic.twitter.com/h8hZB1APR1
— B (@brendasamantha_) November 24, 2017
Boy: hey I'm going grocery shopping, want anything?
Bare minimum twitter: pic.twitter.com/zMZp7KSuPk
— I Said What I Said (@haikatte) November 21, 2017
#Bareminimumtwitter getting ready for their wedding after their man buys them chicken nuggets pic.twitter.com/yEVvlygqZS
— R?S (@thequirkyblkgrl) November 22, 2017
Me: h-
bare minimum twitter: my mans talks to me ?? and three weeks ago he made toast ?? I would give all my organs ?? and take multiple lives for him bc he PAID for chinese ?? nothing better xxx— ✨han is lo:st? (@sadbeautifuImp3) February 21, 2018
Boy: *says 'bless you' after someone sneezed*
Bare minimum twitter: pic.twitter.com/iVthuJ7Lnd
— I Said What I Said (@haikatte) November 21, 2017
bare minimum Twitter thinks going to Walgreens to buy shaving cream is a date.
— paloma (@palocma) November 22, 2017
Guy: *texts back*
Bare minimum twitter: pic.twitter.com/1piYcwX010— Tori or whatever ?? (@_GirlFromAtl) November 26, 2017
Boy: *holds the door for his girlfriend*
Bare minimum twitter: pic.twitter.com/BKLSnka9eR
— I Said What I Said (@haikatte) November 21, 2017