There’s A New Transgender Doll On The Market And Some Parents Are Seriously Against It

– Felicity, 25

So, there you have it. The question of whether parents would give their children a transgender doll was incredibly divisive among the people of London and it seems that no two people really had exactly the same point of view. All we know is that, with Playboy announcing their first ever transgender playmate, and transgender men giving birth to gender-neutral children, the future looks bright for the LGBTQ community.

– Harry, 26

“I don’t see a problem with it. It might be difficult to explain to the kid but they have the right to know because some people feel like that. They [transgender people] are human beings, like everyone else.”

– Kasha, 26

“I think it would be more confusing. I don’t know what the purpose would be. I don’t think normalizing transgender people is going to be done with a doll, it’s going to be done with mentors and parenting. I don’t think they’re pretty. I don’t think they’re cute and cuddly. I never gave my kids a doll so they can help identify what their sexual identity is. It’s more about imagination and dressing. For girls, it’s about dressing the doll for clothes, you’re not interested in the anatomy. That’s not their first concern and I don’t want that forced upon them unless they ask. They’ve not developed yet anatomically and their mind is not developed yet, so all in good time.”