Guests Share The Worst Things They’ve Seen Happen At A Wedding And It’ll Make You Never Want To Get Married

It’s not a party until someone gets thrown out in a choke hold.

The sister of the bride who wasn’t invited showed up drunk and got in a fight with the bride until the father of the bride broke it up by putting the sister in a choke hold and dragging her out of the venue. The bride was surprisingly fine afterwards Source: I’m a wedding caterer

Somethings are better left unsaid, Pops.

Divorced father of the groom started up about how much better his new wife was compared to his old wife, during his speech.

On and on and the qualities of Asian women vs white women.

I’ve never looked at my shoes so hard in my life.

Not sure I would have gone through with it.

One of my wife’s coworkers got married this past summer. Her father passed away from a fatal heart attack the morning of the wedding but her family insisted and convinced her to go in with it, so she did. It was awkward as hell and nobody in the building made it through without crying, even the minister.