People Reveal The Most Common Foods We Eat The Wrong Way

Food is food, right? It shouldn’t matter how you eat it. But apparently, for some people does. You can’t eat a burger the same way that you eat chicken wings. You can’t cook a steak the way you’d cook salmon. There are rules. You would think that as long as the teeth are chewing it just shouldn’t matter, but it does. There is a proper way to eat different foods, and you could be eating your meals wrong and not even know it. Thankfully, the Internet is here to help us out.

Mix that liquid stuff in!

“Do you usually pour off the watery liquid on the top of the yogurt? Don’t! Put it back. The liquid is whey and is produced when the milk is heated. If you’re pouring it off, you’re cheating with yourself and not getting its protein, vitamin B12 and other healthy nutrients.”

Don’t hold the mayo.

“The Hamburger: Specifically, where does the mayo go? Too often, burgers get assembled thusly:

See the problem? Think, what is the purpose of mayonnaise here? To add flavor? To add fat? A well made burger will have plenty of either of those. To lubricate? A burger has plenty of natural juice, and this is even less of a problem if cheese is involved.

The unique property of mayonnaise is that it is a stable emulsion. It has an aqueous phase and a lipid phase dispersed through one another. This means that it can bind both with water and fat, which are, not coincidentally, the two things that a juicy burger is bleeding out, unless it has been seriously overcooked.”

Buzzfeed gave us the wrong information yet again:

“I read a Buzzfeed post about how you shouldn’t pop and drain your soup dumplings. True, but the method that they suggest, eating the entire dumpling in one bite, is wrong too. If the soup dumplings are served hot (and they should be), you’ll burn your mouth. My Shanghainese grandfather taught me to hold the dumpling in a soup spoon and poke and drain it so that the soup pours into the spoon. So much safer.”

Sometimes it takes actual skill to eat food:

“Baklava is one of the most delicious foods mankind have created, yet few people eat it the right way.A typical person uses a fork to lift a piece of baklava from its bottom and puts in the mouth, sometimes as a whole or biting it into two pieces, many times causing it to fall into pieces and spoiling the experience.The right way to eat baklava is like this: You take one piece with your hand, smell the beautiful combination of pistachios (or walnuts), dough, butter and syrup, hold it upside down and put it in your mouth in one piece. You keep in your mouth for a few seconds before starting to chew, to fully enjoy and extend this heavenly taste.The bottom of baklava is where the taste is (thanks to gravity) and keeping it touching to the top palate of your mouth is the key point of baklava eating!”

Lightly tug on your meat!

“Annoyance is typically the sensation once you leave a delicious wing half ingested with meat impacted between the bones. an easy trick to obtaining each bite of that tasty morsel is to tug the animal tissue off at the wide a part of the wing, gently twist and take away the tiny bone. Repeat this method, removing the larger bone, then you’re able to relish the whole dainty.”