8 Things You Do When You’re A Horrible Wing Woman

5. You make the guy think that you are into him.

If the guy starts coming on to you, you are literally failing as a wing woman entirely. You are supposed to be setting up the guy with your BFF, not with yourself. Hello! It’s common sense. Never at any point should the guy be coming on to you – it means you’re giving him mixed signals and probably coming on way too flirtatious. The last thing you need is some drama.

6. You talk about your friend’s ex.

Never, ever should the exes be brought up. Exes belong in a folder in the back of all parties mind and should never be brought up. It’s that simple. Don’t break the ice by saying the guy looks like your friend’s ex – that’s stupid. And, don’t bring up that your friend was heartbroken and needs a rebound – even worse.

7. You forget your important cues.

Part of the role of a wing woman is to provide your friend with cues on whether or not the guy will be a good match. One hair flip for “yes, he’s a match,” and two hair flips for “nope, he’s not your type.” A bad wing woman completely messes this part of the introduction up and, in return, can set her friend up with a total creep or stage-five-clinger. Make sure you talk to your friend before and set the rules.

8. You never find success in your matchmaking mission.

In all your time as a wing woman, you have yet to create a successful match for your BFF. If every conversation has ended in disaster and not your BFF starting someone new with a guy then you are definitely the worst wing woman of all time and you should probably stop trying.