Some truths are so universal that no matter where you’re from, who you are, how old you are, or what you’re into–you can relate. Some of these tweets by hilarious and honest women are Twitter are so painfully real, you’ll laugh until it hits you–they’re funny because they’re you. It’s all good, sis, don’t worry, we’re in the same boat.
When I'm feeling manic and ready to destroy my life and I impulsively text a boy I like and I'm left on read.
— White Girl Problems (@whitegirIprblms) December 9, 2017
do u ever feel like the entire world is in a group chat where all they discuss is how to stress u out bcs same
— farwz (@farwzz) January 19, 2018
do ur boobs ever just like not match your outfit like does that make sense to anyone else
— liv farmer (@oliviafarmerr_) July 23, 2017