This Kid’s Journal Entry About Christopher Columbus Is Actually The Funniest Thing You’ll See Today

This is where our friend King comes into play. He was having a hard time learning about these straight up lies. This young man is woke beyond his ages because he wasn’t having any of this made up historical B.S. that his teacher was sharing. Not only that, King’s mother should be proud that he listens to her when he doesn’t listen to lies, even if they’re coming from his teacher.

Christopher Wallace.

This young man not buying anything that his teacher is selling about Christopher Columbus is hilarious. No better line than “the only Christopher we acknowledge is Wallace because Columbus didn’t find our country.” Is there a particular protocol to adopt someone as like your mother? Because I need this lady to be my mother ASAP. For those who don’t know Christopher George Latore Wallace may be better known as The Notorious B.I.G., This lady needs to copyright that phrase and put it on t-shirts because it is incredible. We’re glad King is keeping his mind open and questioning what he’s learning. I’m sure his mother has a significant influence on this, but it isn’t a bad thing to challenge the norm. Way to go King! And that savage reply to your teacher’s comment was A1!