People Are Sharing The Worst Advice They’ve Ever Received

Way to go! Successful nurse in the house!

In my final semester of college, my insanely jealous, distraught mother called me to make one last plea to get me to drop out. She went on to say “What would you do if you had to watch helplessly as your own daughter threw her life away and became a nurse?!”

By the way, she married an elementary school drop out, and was a bitter retail worker. She couldn’t handle watching me be the first in the family to graduate from college and make something of myself, and she dealt with it by constantly shaming me. If I scored 99% on something, she complained about the last 1%. If I got 100%, she said I was stupid because I didn’t earn bonus marks. We don’t talk anymore and I’m a successful nurse.

Sounds like he’s got a crush on you.

 A friend of mine would always get me to talk about my relationships and would somehow twist the smallest things into seeming like they were really bad and then suggest that I should break up with them and I would be like “you’re right! why am I putting up with this shit??” when it could have been something completely normal. Happened with 3 girls in a row and it was always the same stuff he said and I just snapped out of it one day and realized that I had been the shitty bf and the reason it didn’t work was because of how I was acting after hearing all these things put into my head. Think he was just jealous because he could never get any girls but what a weird thing to look back on.

Fun Fact: It is not a joke.

 This wasn’t me personally but my mom told me that we had a neighbor that used to constantly tell my dad that life insurance was a waste of money and tried to convince him to stop paying for it. Fortunately my dad was intelligent because he died five years later and my family would have been completely destroyed without it.