30 People Share The Dumbest Things They’ve Ever Heard People Say And It’s Worse Than You’d Think

21. Overthinking at its finest.

The “smart” guy from my class said once that microwaves beep thrice to dissipate the radio waves. And then was very dumbfounded when the teacher explained that microwave radiation is light and moves so fast that the three beeps wouldn’t be necessary for them to dissipate. “Then how do you explain the need for three beeps?”.

“They tell you the timer’s off,” said another guy.

22. How hyped do you think this class when they found out?

“I wish Shakespeare was dead” – High school English class.

23. Evolution is a crazy thing, my friends.

I went to the Renaissance Fair with some acquaintances. Some people were wearing these “elf ears” that were pointy. This girl turned to me and asked, “Is that how people’s ears used to look?”

24. “I bet we could take them,”. Classic mix up.

Here in the UK, we get a lot of American kid’s shows, especially big ones like Spongebob, Animaniacs, etc. These shows normally have a 4th of July special about the Declaration (and War) of Independence.

With that as the topic of conversation, this is genuinely a discussion I had with someone when we were 14.

Me: “The Simpsons made a joke about that during (episode about the 4th of July I forget the name of)”

Friend: “Yeah I watched that one. The British sound like dicks”

Me: slow blink “Come again?”

Friend: “You know, the British. The guys they always talk about when they do that kinda specials. I bet we could take them.”

Me: “… Daniel, what country do we live in?”

Friend: “England”

Cue very quick explanation of British geography, with Daniel refusing to believe he was British until he went home and asked his mum.

25. Bilingual, bilateral what’s the difference?

A drive-thru girl heard me speaking my language on the phone when I was waiting for my food and she kept saying it was cool that I was bilateral. I asked if she was referring to triangles or something but she said: “No, bilateral like a person”.