30 People Share The Dumbest Things They’ve Ever Heard People Say And It’s Worse Than You’d Think

16. Those damn salmons!

I’ve been a cook for 15 years. One time a server asked me to rush a chicken breast she forgot to ring in. I said “ok, it will be a few minutes, it’s still a bit raw”. “Just give it to me, it’s fine,” she says. I tell her I don’t feel like giving anyone salmonella poisoning today and she will have to wait.

Her jaw drops and her face turns red. She rather belligerently shouts just give it to her because she’s losing tip money, then adds “besides, people don’t get salmonella from chicken, they get it from salmon. You’re a cook, you should know that by now.”

Every person in that room did the slow neck-turn of ‘wtf did I just hear’ and just stared at her.

17. It’s a cold strategy, let’s see how it plays out for her.

a girl I once had to work with kept bringing bottles of Pepsi frozen solid to work.

one day I finally ask why she freezes them and she says you take away the carbs by doing it…….you remove the carbohydrates by removing the carbonation…..fuck this chick was dense

18. She was diagnosed with “Ayedeeaychdee”.

“How do you spell ADHD?” -my sister’s best friend. She was 16 at the time and I guess she figured ADHD was a word instead of an acronym. Lol aydeeaychdee

19. First Hiter now Saddam Hussein? Chill out, Germany.

Years ago while working at a cafe a couple came up to me and asked if Saddam Hussein was Russian. The Iraq War had just begun so I snickered and said, “Of course not.” The boyfriend turned to his girlfriend with a smug, victorious look and said, “See? I told you he was German.”

20. Not all heroes wear capes. Some have fake noses.

A girl I know got a nose job. When I complimented her on her new look she said… “I didn’t do it for me, I didn’t want my kids to be born with big noses”