Roy Moore References Teenage Cheerleaders While Denying He’s A Pedophile


While Moore still vehemently denies that he literally creeped around the mall for HOURS stalking young girls, the number of women who have accused him of sexual assault and harassment just jumped from four to six. He continues to blame the GOP and the media despite a growing number of Republicans calling on him to drop out of the race.

Several highlights from the Alabama mall WaPo piece, to really hammer home what a cretinous slug Roy Moore is:

His overtures caused one store manager to tell new hires to “watch out for this guy,” another young woman to complain to her supervisor and Richardson to eventually hide from him when he came in Sears, the women say.

In all, The Post spoke to a dozen people who worked at the mall or hung out there as teenagers during the late ’70s and early ’80s and recall Moore as a frequent presence — a well-dressed man walking around alone, leaning on counters, spending enough time in the stores, especially on weekend nights, that some of the young women who worked there said they became uncomfortable.

Hey, Roy Moore. Drop. Off. The. Earth.