17 Definite Signs You’ve Found The Person You’re Going To Marry

So you’ve found someone, and it’s been going well. In a relationship, you basically have two options: to marry your significant other, or to break up with them – no pressure guys. Call me unrealistic, but I feel like you shouldn’t settle either. I feel like if you’re going to be in love with someone and potentially marry them, they should make you feel like no other love you’ve ever felt before. I know it’s not realistic to expect a mind-blowing, insanely perfect relationship every hour of every day (trust me, there will be bad days), but I think that being in a serious relationship means that you want to progress with that person and potentially even marry them if that’s what you have planned for yourself. Here are some ways that I think prove you’ve found the person you’re going to marry. Love-Advice-101, ladies and gentlemen.

1. You’re willing to work through anything and everything together.

This is important. You cannot marry somebody who isn’t willing to always try and work things out with you. Life gets hard sometimes. Things happen and you and your significant other will run into problems about your relationship, guaranteed. The difference between a temporary relationship and serious, possibly-get-married type of relationship is the fact that you and your partner are willing to work things out, no matter what. Some of the conversations will be uncomfortable and some of them will make you cry – but, you need to work through the hard things to ever experience the good times.

2. It’s easy to imagine growing old with this person.

Not to be weird, but I can’t wait to be a little old lady with my boyfriend (future husband) by my side. He’s the only person I’ve ever dated that I could picture growing up with. Life is crazy and we meet so many different people. I can’t imagine having a family, retiring and getting older with anyone else. Make sure you find someone you can imagine this with because it might become a reality.

3. You share similar values and life-goals.

Being married to someone means sharing your whole life with them and living life together, but you can’t really do that if you have completely different morals, values, and goals. They obviously don’t have to be 100% exact either, but I think it’s important to be aware of each other’s values and life goals and see if some of them match up. If your partner has different morals or values that make you uncomfortable, don’t ignore that. It will come up as a problem in the long run. And, no one wants to get married just to get divorced.

4. You have similar living habits.

It’d be difficult to live with someone who is messy if you’re super organized, or a night owl if you’re a morning person. It’s not impossible, but it’s so much easier to live with someone who shares similar major habits with you. Sure, you two may not match up 100% of the time with everything, but if they’re understanding and you both are willing to compromise on things, it’ll be smooth sailing.

5. In a room full of people, they make you feel like you’re the only one there.

This is one of the main reasons why I fell in love with my boyfriend. From the night we met, it’s always felt like even if we were in a room full of people, we were the only ones there, and I had never felt that before. Even now, we’re constantly off to the side at parties laughing at our own jokes and forgetting that other people exist, and I think that’s so crazy and so rare. Marry someone who makes you feel like this.