They say that children are our future. Teach them well, and let them lead the way.
But that’s just me and Whitney Houston. Don’t take our word for it, take a look at these 18 Tweets that prove, definitively, that children are way smarter than we give them credit for. They may not know it, but the way they see the world is both wise and innocent — ignorant and learned. Ying and yang. Soda and candy.
Me: "Why are these Legos all over the floor?!"
5: "To keep everyone else away; it's my computer turn."
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) January 21, 2017
My son was crying and asked, "why doesn't the dog have to wear pants?" And it's like, I don't even know. So now I'm putting pants on a dog.
— Tragic Ally (@TragicAllyHere) September 30, 2016
Me: Guess what time it is?
6-year-old: I don't have to guess. I can read the clock.
Me: It's time to clean your room.
6: No, it's 2:45.
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) November 23, 2016
4yo son said the word prototype. When I asked him what it meant, he said "People are a prototype" and I was too scared to ask what he meant.
— Kristin (@FeralCrone) February 7, 2015
My son got mad at me yesterday and opened all the bananas in the house. What type of passive aggressive monster…
— victor pope jr (@VictorPopeJr) March 9, 2016