14 Bars With The Most Outlandish Rules You Could Ever Imagine

10. Anonymous Bar Prague, Czech Republic.

At The Anonymous Bar in Prague, certain parts of the menu can only be read with a black light to enjoy a secret cocktail. If you order a specific drink they’ll take a photo of you in a Guy Fawkes mask, definitely seems like an exciting experience.

11. Sam Smith Pubs in the UK.

The British pub chain Samuel Smith’s has recently banned swearing of any kind in their pubs. Um, have you ever met a British person, though? Swearing is something of an art form in the UK, this sounds like an impossible task for most of that country.

12. The Patterson House in Nashville.

If you are a person who loves rules, you will feel right at home at The Patterson House in Nashville where you are not allowed to use your cell phone, name-drop, play-fight or even talk about fighting.