Men Share The One Trait In A Woman That Turns Them Off Completely

When they want their partner to be nice to them and rude to everyone else:

I like helping people – it comes naturally to me and is a trait that some women find attractive. However, among them are a certain type that I cannot stand – girls that don’t want a nice guy, maybe they think they do but they actually want an asshole who would be nice to them and them only, as if being kind to other people diminishes the kindness you demonstrate to your date.

Lacking any type of hobby or interest:

there are women who’s unique hobby is social networking, Facebook and Instagram. They lack interest in reading books, volunteering, practice sports, dancing etc. They are more busy looking at other people’s life than improving their own life.

Being high maintenance, in all ways:

She requires too much time—too many texts, too many calls, too much talking about the relationship, too much adoration, too much pampering. It doesn’t matter what the issue is, the guy feels as if things won’t ever be good enough—and neither will he.