Anonymous People Share Super Dark Secrets They’ve Never Told Anyone


When I was seven, I pooped the bed in the middle of the night. Just like, a perfect log in my underwear. I was scared of getting in trouble, so I threw my underwear and shit behind the dresser in my bedroom and promptly forgot I did that. My mom found it two weeks later.


The first time I had anal sex, I wasnt aware that I needed to clean everything out before hand. It got real messy real quick. I was mortified.

You know what they say…er, stuff happens…

Nothing to be ashamed of here, anon:

I have a fleshlight buried deep in my closet. I haven’t used it for years. When I did use it I used to shove it in the opening of a filled laundry bag so I would be fucking something with heft and mass. I had some very lonely times in college and that really really helped me through it. I’m too hesitant to throw it away because I don’t want someone to find it. I know the one day I throw it away there will be a freak storm or flood that blows the trashcan over and spills it all over the street. Or the garbage bag will rip. Or it will bounce out of the garbage truck and into the street. So it sits in my closet until the day I die and my family has to discover it.


I regularly post ads on Craigslist for gangbang meet ups. I would be disowned if my very Christian family ever found out.