Anonymous People Share Super Dark Secrets They’ve Never Told Anyone


I thought I learned how to tie my shoes when my mom showed me in pre-k and I went around telling everyone I knew how to tie my shoes. The next time I try to tie them though it turned out I forgot how, but I was too embarrassed to ask for help. I didn’t learn how to tie my shoes until I was 18 or 19.

Well, first you do the bunny ears…


When I was younger I pooped in a waterslide and saw my poop floating the entire day in the pool on the end of the slide.


I revealed to a Reddit friend fact I am a closet schizophrenic who has had daily conversations for 40 years with my daughter who passed away as an infant.

I cannot tell you how liberating it was to finally share something that I couldn’t even reveal to my therapist. Now that I am Reddit-outed I’ve shared the news with my husband, best friend, and therapist.

What did I learn? That they suspected my condition all along. And are unconditionally supportive.


When I was a kid, I had Sims 2 for PS2. I would make my sim “woohoo” and let the controller vibrate on my clit. I made my sim continuously “woohoo”.

I was a weird kid.


I don’t tell people i’m autistic in person until I’ve known them multiple years.

Sometimes by the time I tell them they’re like “yeah no offense but I’ve known for pretty much the whole time I knew you”