This Woman’s Text Messages With Her Abusive Ex-Husband Are Absolutely Disgusting.


“I stayed the night with a female friend from work. He knew because he “set traps” for me”


“I visit my mother one every couple years. I had a huge bruise on my arm from where my husband had bit me, leaving visible teeth marks. The bruise was so bad it hung around for almost a month. Long enough for a visit to my mothers and to still be photographed by NCIS when I finally turned him several weeks later.”


She decided to keep these abusive texts her ex-husband used to send her 3-years ago. She keeps them as a reminder of how far she has came and how much better her life is now. Reading through these messages is flat out disturbing and honestly kind of difficult to read through. The fact that someone believes this behavior towards another human being is any form of acceptable is utterly disgusting. From the outside looking in you may ask yourself, “why doesn’t the person just leave?” well it’s usually a lot more complicated than that.

“Even on my post, a small handful of people were asking, ‘Well, why would you stay then? I made very little money, I was financially dependent and I just really wanted my marriage to work. I didn’t want to give up on it. But it’s hard for people on the outside to really understand that, I suppose.”

Relationships are obviously much more complex then they seem on the surface. Let this be an eye opener to people who don’t believe abuse to be a huge deal or choose to turn a blind eye to it. This girl was being abused physically, mentally, sexually, and emotionally. This was all being done by someone she once thought to be the love of her life. She says the abuse began after she lost 80 pounds and began to gain confidence in herself. Which says a lot about the sad insecure abuser, obviously a sad unhappy man.


Sadly, her story continued. She eventually mustered the courage to get out of the relationship and get the authorities involved. This psychopath had been abusing her and even went as far as to hurt her dog and kitten. Abusing someone you ‘love’ and hurting their animals probably is a sign this man isn’t mentally stable. This man obviously had serious issues and we’re just happy she made it out of the abusive relationship. Hopefully, her courage will help inspire anyone out there going through a similar situation.






This follow up post goes to show that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s so sad that not everyone gets to reach that light. That is why we commend KrissyKross for not only having the courage to contact authorities and face her abuser in court but to also publicly broadcast such a horrific time in her life. After 3 years living abuse free away from her ex-husband she begins to get her life back on a normal track. Her original post has been liked almost 800,000 which goes to show that she isn’t alone.