30 People Share The Pettiest Thing Their Ex Has Ever Done And It’ll Make You Never Want To Date Again

26. Viciousxvenom:

A classic – changing his FB picture to the exact same one but with me cropped out of it.
Another ex was the son of family friends that we had thanksgiving with EVERY year. We broke up when I was 13 and he literally never spoke to me again. Ever. Saw him multiple times a year at family evens multiple times until I went to college and he never said another word to me.

27. chantie1223:

My ex was in a rap group that I managed for them, and a lot of their social media accounts were connected to my personal email, such as there YouTube, and Facebook. About a month after the break up I found out my ex hung out with my ex-bestfriend that was an awful person. Him and her both didn’t understand what the big deal was, so I deleted the Facebook and YouTube that I had to look at in anytime I signed in.

28. mirandake99:

My most recent ex gave all my stuff to a mutual friend to return to me. This included anniversary presents, cards, pictures, (typical stuff) and stuff I never expected to get back (pens, cough drops, a pack of mints). And to top it off, I recieved a 4 page letter about everything i did wrong in the relationship and it ended with “P.S. I doubt you’ll ever find anyone as good as me.”

29. kyshade:

I have been WAITING to share this story. I’m definitely petty for posting this but honestly it’s too good not to post. Ok so my high school boyfriend broke up with me after like 7 months of dating (conveniently right before senior prom but whatever, I ended up taking his better looking friend). It was a really bad breakup and I was totally fine never hearing from him again. Coincidentally he decided to go to college and attend the same very small theater program that my best friend and many other high school friends had also decided to attend. Flash forward to September when we all were starting our freshman year of college. I was thriving without him, naturally, and had very much moved on. I assumed he had moved on too since, ya know, he dumped me. So randomly I get a call from my best friend and she just says, “I don’t know how to tell you this, but your ex just performed a monologue that he wrote about you in front of our whole class.” The assignment was “write a monologue about something you want to say to someone.” So knowing that my best friend was watching and would report back to me, this guy WROTE and PERFORMED a monologue in which he described in explicit, gory detail how he cheated on me multiple times and how much he enjoyed it, almost 6 months after we broke up. He legitimately decided to write this monologue as a college class assignment, perform it in front of a whole bunch of women one of which he knew was my best friend, and let her tell me about it instead of growing some fucking tits and telling me himself. Talk about unresolved feeling. Apparently it was so vulgar that when he was finished a girl said, “you really shouldn’t be allowed to talk to women.” It was a shitty way to find out he had been cheating on me but also super validating to know he still cared enough to literally write a fucking monologue. Its been 4 years and he still watches my snap stories and I’m still thriving.

30. ericas48b1e499d:

My ex made a craigslist ad advertising for people to watch a threesome with my number. I was getting calls and texts ALL MORNING!