‘Vogue’ Ranked Victoria’s Secret Models Bodies And People Are Not Having It

Granted a lot of the models have built up their own persona and fame outside of the runway. So in a way, I can understand that line “about the bodies that wear them,” but I didn’t realize it was so much more focused on the models “trademark limbs”. ‘Vogue’ mostly targets a female demographic so the idea that they would somehow determine which body is “best? Determining which unbelievably fit model has the “best” body seems counterproductive in empowering women’s idea of a positive body image. Granted beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe I should say these women have more mainstream, marketable physiques? I mean we can be real they are absolutely stunning but that doesn’t mean they deserved to be ranked on whose body is “best” we’re all different! Twitter let ‘Vogue’ know how unhappy it was with this article.

The ladies were NOT having any of it.

With how big of a topic body positivity is lately I feel like the magazine should have had no problem seeing this backlash coming.  Maybe they’re just a bit out of touch but does anyone really want to debate the flaws that Giselle has that Adriana Lima doesn’t? or vice versa? Nah, didn’t think so. Why even have a pointless, stupid argument about which of two of the best physiques on earth is better? Nah I’m good. If there is a “best” body that means there is a worst which is probably not the best message to send. On top of that, deeming someone to have the worst body in the VSFS sounds awful like an oxymoron to me. Do better, “Vogue.”.