Librarian Helps Find Punks Who Framed An Innocent Girl And Live Tweeted The Entire Thing

15 minutes on an essay that isn’t yours just to ruin someone’s day – or for this instance however long she was grounded – seems a little much. Go get a dog, kid.

No masks? Smokescreens? Take out the cameras with some sort of electrical charge? I don’t know that’s how it goes in the movies. Where’s the imagination? Such amateurs. If you’re going to walk the path of the dark side be better.

Left their name at the scene of the crime! C’mon fellas! What happened to Seymour Butts and other classic aliases like that! These kids deserve whatever they get and I hope it involves taking away their Xbox. Hit em where it hurts, you know? Also, like the least shocking thing in history a bunch of teenage boys were acting like jackasses.

Sweet, swift justice.

Free at last! Free at last!

Not all heroes wear capes my friends, some rock glasses and smash you with late fees. In this case, we thank you Miss Lacopelli for being the librarian we all wish we had as a kid. Twitter, of course, applauded her hard work.

Keep up the good work!