18 People Share The Weirdest Things They Do With Their Families

Ritual, tradition, call it what you may but every family has that one thing they do that makes them different. Maybe your parents don’t store their eggs in the fridge? You probably were only taught to drink lukewarm water? It’s amazing how we all grow up to be so distinct from one another and it’s mostly because of our upbringing. If you think about it, your neighbor probably doesn’t leave the bathroom door open like you do in your parent’s home…then again you probably don’t either…was I the only one with daring parents like this? Can’t say you haven’t ever stepped foot into someone else’s home and were completely taken aback by something or someone you haven’t ever experienced before. OR had to adapt to your friends or even your SO’s habits heck maybe they had to adapt to your quirky lifestyle too. Whichever the case may be it’s definitely a curious part of the puzzle piece which we call life. It’s also pretty interesting to go on the interwebs and dig into other people’s lives and find out they’re weirdly eccentric habits. Of course, Reddit never fails to keep us entertained so I present to you another great thread.

1. readycent:

literally every night of my childhood, my mother forced my siblings and I to read for a half an hour before bed time. When I first started going over to friends’ houses for sleepovers, I would bring a book with me and would always try to get my half an hour in before we went to sleep. My friends always pointed out how strange it was, but I assumed that’s just how the world worked. You read before you sleep, like a universal rule.

2. Aslyem:

My parents didn’t let us have keys to the house when we were pre-teen age, so when we’d get home from school or a friend’s house we would open a window and crawl through it to get inside.I never thought twice about it until a friend told me it looked like I was robbing the place after he dropped me off for the first time.

3. TheGingerbreadWoman:

My parents would not let us ramble on and my dad would always only have us “answer to the point”. I have totally lost my patience when people at work and other events go into excruciating detail about things – except apparently it was just me and other people listening to these stories think it is perfectly normal.

4. thehottestmess:

Not a ritual but I never realized how emotional my family was until someone asked why we react to everything so seriously.

5. Lokican:

Going to a restaurant and ordering after looking at the menu for 30 seconds. We’d then flag down a server and order our meal.Never even thought about this until I was traveling with some friends and I’d order the second the server arrives. My friends looked at me weird and were like “umm…we still need some time to decide.” After this happened a few times during our trip, I caught on that this is not what other people do.

6. crayolaface:

We will leave used tea bags on the side of the sink until they cool down. Putting hot teabags in the bin is obviously a ? hazard.

7. lazlounderhill:

I kissed my grandfather (and my grandmother), on the lips, everytime I said goodbye to them after a visit, even as an adult man, until and including the day they died. Every girlfriend or friend I had that witnessed this thought it was weird and told me so, but I don’t care – and I have no regrets.

8. Cheifjeans:

My family has always poured milk into our bowls of icecream. Always thought that was the only way to do it untill i had icecream at a friend’s house and had to ask for milk.

9. Kengtron3000:

My family puts mayo on our broccoli and cauliflower. I always thought it was weird when people complained about broccoli because it’s really good with mayo. Apparently I’m the weird one.

10. wearethegalaxy:

starting at 9 o’ clock (pm), it’s tea time. what’s that? well it’s literally at what time we all drink tea at home. i can’t remember a day in my life where we skipped tea time and i love tea too much to even think about changing our ritual. friends who stick around till that time, get tea as well and no one’s ever said no to a good cup of tea. (now i’m not saying my family is the only one to enjoy tea, just that i don’t know anyone else who has an exact time for it.