11 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Married In Your Early 20’s

6. Because you’ll have to compromise.

Do want to decorate your entire apartment with posters of Rihanna? In a marriage, you’ll have to compromise with your partner and probably settle for maybe one poster and not 10. I mean, I know this isn’t the biggest issue, but the time for you to do literally *whatever* you want in life with little consequences is limited. Why end that earlier than you need to?

7. Because you should be selfish during this time in your life.

All of this is to say that I’m probably pretty selfish right now. I care most about myself because no one else is going to take the time to care about my life. Not to say I’m a monster who doesn’t care about other people, but your twenties are naturally a selfish time.

8. Because it could take focus away from your goals.

Say you get an offer for your dream job across the country. If you’re single, I don’t see why you wouldn’t be on the next plane out. If you’re married, however, you have another person’s life to consider. You’ll have to compromise. Once you’re older, you’d be presumably further along in your career and more established. This kind of thing is probably less likely to happen.

9. Because weddings are expensive AF.

Aside from all of the personal reasons, what about the financial reasons? Weddings are expensive AF. Millennials are barely able to move out of their parent’s house. The average cost of a wedding is $35,329 and the class of 2016 has $37,172 in student loan debt. You do the math here, guys.

10. Because you’re still finding yourself.

I’m just now learning who I am and the kind of person I want to be. I believe ~finding yourself~ is a lifelong journey, but your twenties are an important time to figure these things out. Trying to find yourself with someone else sounds a lot more difficult. Having to balance the person you’ve committed to with the person you’re trying to become is an act I don’t want to have to perfect.

11. And, let’s face it, divorce is no fun.

I can barely keep a plant alive, much less a marriage. Plus, the facts don’t lie, people! Divorce rates are high and the likelihood of your marriage lasting is slim. About 40 to 50% of married couples in the United States get divorced, according to the American Psychological Association. And the younger you are, the more likely it won’t last. 

A 2015 study suggests the best ages for people to have a long, successful marriage is between 28 and 32. I’m not saying we should all never get married. Although if you choose to do so, it’s totally cool. I am saying that we shouldn’t give in to societal pressure to tie the knot and that focusing on yourself is just as, if not more important than a wedding hashtag and a lifetime commitment. So, if anything, maybe try holding out a bit longer before you say “I do.”