18 Clever Jack O’ Lanterns You’ll Wish You Actually Had The Ability To Carve

There are two approaches when it comes to Halloween. Either you prepare for months, work out an epic group costume with Oscar winning makeup, full haunted house decorations, and a pumpkin carved into a Michelangelo painting— or you’re like the rest of us and you stand in line at the costume store 5 minutes before your party texting your friends that you’re going to just be “a cowboy with a magic wand” because that’s all that was left.

If you want to be a little more like the first group, check out these wonderful pumpkin carvings that have already won Halloween.

1. This terrifying thing.

2. This old codger.

3. The scariest thing in the world.

4. This free spirit.

5. This pumpkin you can play Tetris on!