26 Pieces Of Dating Advice Everyone Should Follow In Their 20’s And 30’s

22. jester33455

Trust your gut! When the warning bells go off, run! I don’t care how cute he is or how much money he has, when the signs point to crazy/possessive/abusive/alcoholic etc… get out. You don’t need to waste your valuable time waiting for him to change.

23. erythrocephalus

Anyone can find themselves in an abusive relationship, even if you’re smart, attractive, or successful. It’s not a failing on your part, no matter how they make you feel or what they tell you you did. You don’t have to be ashamed. People will understand. There’s help out there.

24. giniajoe

Sometimes you date good people that you just don’t have chemistry with. Nobody has to be the good guy or bad guy. You deserve someone you get fireworks with. Don’t just settle. Don’t be afraid to hurt somebody’s feelings. It’ll suck but staying with the wrong person will suck more. You don’t want to have the right person come into your life when you’re stuck in a meh relationship.