26 Pieces Of Dating Advice Everyone Should Follow In Their 20’s And 30’s

10. Uhmanduh09

Don’t think you can “save” someone or make them better. Most of the time, you can’t.

11. cinna_minna

There is a HUGE difference between “This person I’m dating now is better than the person/people before” and “This person I’m dating now is actually good for me.”

Just because they are not as bad as other people you may have dated does not mean they actually good partners. This is also relevant for friends, I think.

12. huevos_and_whiskey

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

Pay attention to actions and patterns of behavior. He may insist that he loves you, that he cares about you, that he respects you. He may feel something very strongly for you, and he may truly believe what he’s saying. If the way he treats you isn’t loving, or if it’s careless or disrespectful, walk away.

Hold out for someone who consistently treats you well.