You know what they say about kids: how they say the darnedest things. But kids have no gall and very little understanding of manners and appropriateness yet—because they haven’t been alive and a part of society for very long—so they’ll say whatever they want, whenever they want. And sometimes they speak the dark thoughts they have aloud…not to mention the casual reference to what seem to be everyday paranormal encounters. What is it about kids and ghosts?
Writer Mikki Kendall got the spooky ball rolling, asking people who have spent time with kids to repeat the creepiest thing a kid ever told them.
People who interact with kids, what is the single weirdest/creepiest thing a kid has ever said to you? It's Saturday night so why not creep yourself out?
— Mikki Kendall (@Karnythia) January 28, 2018
Things got weird.
My 3 year old son randomly woke me up at 2 am ond night and yelled “ESKETTTTTTTIT”
— Ryan (@GlockRivers) January 28, 2018
Sweet, not scary to me: When my youngest son was quite small, he would tell us about how he used to be with Poppa in Heaven and things they’d do. He would describe Poppa perfectly, using some of his phrasing. I got pregnant with Owen a few months after Poppa passed away. ❤️??
— Danielle (@mamariley04) January 29, 2018
I hadn't seen the cat belonging to my neighbor's kid in a few days.
Me to neighbor's kid: "What happened to your cat?"
Kid: "Her neck snapped."
Also kid: *smiles sweetly*
— Elizabeth (@RegulatoryHell) January 28, 2018