Woman Was Sexually Harassed By Coworker Until She Came Up With A Genius Revenge Plan

See ya, Ted!

Guy at work kept “bumping” into me. A brush on the butt, on the side of my breasts. It kept happening and he played innocent always passing by with no eye contact. Today he one upped himself and actually goosed my butt. Full on pinch. Feeling defeated like no one would believe me, then something came over me.

I walked by him and turned my butt right next to his hand and just full on farted. Loud and angry. It’s gross, I know. But if he’s going to make me feel gross and “claim my ass” I’m going to make him feel gross and “claim his hand.”

He proceeded to freak out and then I freaked out. No more will he look at my ass as sexual, but a fart box that has forever claimed his tiny hand.

Boss overheard after other people kept talking about it, brought us both in, found out I was one of five he’s done this to. He said I intentionally farted on him (I said it was an accident) which I knew would freak him out. When he pinched me it was “a joke.”

As soon as he said that, I was told to excuse myself and he’s currently cleaning out his desk.

Fuck you, Ted.

Apparently after reading such a smart way of dealing with her sexual harasser the internet was inspired. I mean if the fact that she farted on some piece of garbage makes you more uncomfortable then the harassment itself then you are a part of the problem. Her antics received a ton of praise and even had people sharing their ingenious ways of dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace.

Reddit loved it!