30 Details You Definitely Didn’t Catch In ‘The Last Jedi’ That Will Make Your Jaw Drop

10. The location of Luke’s Jedi Temple was a secret to everyone but his students.

This is how Luke immediately knew that Ben Solo/Kylo Ren (one of his own) had destroyed it.

11. Leia blasts Poe with the same exact blaster she used in the first Star Wars.

After Leia wakes up from her post-blast coma, she marches into the bridge and hits Poe Dameron with a stun blast for leading a mutiny against the next admiral in the chain of command (Holdo). Just as in the first film, she is dressed head to tow in a flowing, crisp white gown, holding a DDC Defender sporting blaster.

12. Snoke wears a ring embedded with a stone encrusted with obsidian mined from beneath Darth Vader’s castle on Mustafar.