30 Details You Definitely Didn’t Catch In ‘The Last Jedi’ That Will Make Your Jaw Drop

4. The somewhat far-fetched notion of hyperspace tracking becomes less so when we realize the seeds for it were planted in Rogue One:

Towards the end of Rogue One, Jyn Erso searched for Death Star plans and stumbled upon other files in the Empire’s database, including one called “Hyperspace tracking.” Meaning that the Empire’s efforts to develop this technology was actually decades in the making.

5. And this idea originated from a secret Imperial think tank named the “Tarkin Initiative.”

6. Leia foreshadows the hyperspeed attack.

When the explosion on the bridge blasts Leia into space, she is able to project herself back through the wreckage of the ship using The Force. She coasts in through what remains of the bridge, and propels herself straight through a holographic display of the Supremacy – in the exact same spot and trajectory that Holdo will travel later.