30 Details You Definitely Didn’t Catch In ‘The Last Jedi’ That Will Make Your Jaw Drop

13. This time, Snoke loses an arm.

In the first Star Wars, a Mos Eisley bar patron loses his right arm to Ben Kenobi, in The Empire Strikes Back Luke and a Wampa both lose their right hands, in Return of the Jedi, Luke takes Darth Vader’s robotic right hand.

In The Last Jedi Kylo Ren forces the lightsaber through Snoke’s midsection, but also separates his forearm, which remains neatly and creepily on the throne.

14. Leia’s father Bail Organa originally discovered the planet Crait (where the Rebellion finds itself in the finale) in the early days of the Rebellion.

Crait was where Leia took her first step into the Rebel Alliance at age 16, so it is fitting that she should return to it in hopes of uniting a new one.

15. Luke’s astral projection trick on Kylo Ren was hinted at by the fact that he showed up on the planet with a lightsaber that no longer existed.

The blue-bladed lightsaber Luke showed up on Crait with is the same one that Kylo and Rey destroyed during their battle in Snoke’s chamber. Kylo didn’t pick up on it because of his anger-driven tunnel vision in destroying Luke, whereas Luke wasn’t present for the Snoke chamber battle and wouldn’t have known the lightsaber was destroyed.