People Reveal The Things They Regret Not Doing In 2017


I regret not being as happy as I could have been. Looking back I see that nothing extremely bad was happening to me this year. Yet I spent most of the year very depressed.


Sorting my life out.


Officially getting over an ex from 11 years ago. I know, I know, what a slow process right? But 2017 was going to be The Year to officially be done with it. I was doing reasonably well and not thinking about him daily for a long time, but every few months he’d send a “hi” email and all that care would creep back up.

In the grand scheme of things, relationship issues won’t impact the state of the Globe one bit, but emotions don’t give a deuce about global significance.


Asking a girl out. Granted, a few months later I asked a different girl out and she told me to leave her alone so maybe I dodged a bullet.


Eating enough to gain weight… Being skinny can be tough.