20 Pictures That Prove We’re Already Living In 3017

Do you ever wonder what the future looks like for us? What new inventions they will come out with? We already have cars that parallel park for us which is pretty cool because I know I suck at parallel parking. Or we can talk to an object like Siri or Alexa and they will tell us anything we need to know. The future is upon us. We might not even be around when we have flying cars or who knows what there will be but wouldn’t that be pretty awesome? Supposedly though according to these pictures, we are already living in the year 3017.

1. You can see Holograms Live.

2. Google is already telling us to enjoy our meal.

3. Wheelchairs can actually go up the steps.

4. The Good ol’ Motorola Razr Phone is now in a museum.

5. Garbage cans can detect movement and will catch your trash.