The 13 Most Offensive Sins Ever Committed Against Mac ‘N’ Cheese

6. When some poor excuse of a school actually had the audacity to serve this:

7. When a sadist/genius made mac n’ cheese WITH HENNESSY:

Ok actually brilliant maybe.

8. When mac and cheese pizza happened:

Listen, just because they’re good apart doesn’t mean you should SMUSH THEM TOGETHER. DO NOT @ ME.

9. When people put ketchup on their mac and cheese.

That's right. Fight me. #ketchuponmacncheese

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Oh I’ll fight you alright. Here’s a meme to prove I’m right and you’re wrong:

10. When Heinz unleashed this hideous force on the world:

Getting the "real" London experience #cannedmacandcheese #MadewithGouda (probs)

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