I just had the thrill of a lifetime! Saw the clock change from 1:59AM to 1:00AM! I love clocks!
— Larry King (@kingsthings) November 3, 2013
well i am going to bed because snoop noticed a tweet of mine where i only used one g in dogg and i'm mortified
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 8, 2014
Do ants have dicks?
— Kourtney Kardashian (@kourtneykardash) March 28, 2010
#seriouslypopular @DailyMail @MailOnline do you know this guy?? He says he is well known pic.twitter.com/9jGJSxz2oV
— Martha Stewart (@MarthaStewart) June 22, 2016
Why's it called a snickerdoodle? And who's the person who came up with that name? I bet he was a real asshole.
— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) October 10, 2014