17 Of The Douchiest Things People Have Ever Seen Someone Do


I remember a thread in r/iamverysmart shown a Facebook screenshot. In the picture, a woman was trying to connect to her “smart” son by reading books on advanced physics, she updated a status saying that she was starting to understand quantum, space, neutrons, etc. Her son replied the post by simply saying that “the things you read are just the most basic concept of physics, I don’t even care to talk about it. If you want to learn, try harder.” To which the poor mother just replied “OK, dear. I’ll learn more.”

I’m a foreigner who rarely applied the word “douchebag” in real life, but that post just got me saying “what a douche”.

7. But…why, u/richj43, why!?

Fill up a water bottle with their piss and throw the opened piss bottle over and into a huge crowd of people at a concert. It was very hot too. People probably believed it was water at first.

8. I hope you left the table immediately, u/Axelsnack:

This really douchey husband of my wife’s friend, at a dinner ordered heated cognac. After claiming it wasn’t warm enough for his refined taste (loudly so everyone could hear) he swirled it above a candle on the table to heat. Not THAT douchey, but everything about his screams “I’m a tool” and even this stood out.

9. I don’t know if u/godonlyknows620‘s story is more douchy or just totally evil:

During college- we had to give a short presentation of our paper to the 200+ person class. This presenter happened to be a student with a very noticeable stutter.

The two girls sitting in front of me started to imitate him in a very cruel way, laughing all the while. And that too, openly enough for the student to see them.

Finally someone loud whispered for them to shut the fuck up. And they did.

10. I got annoyed just reading this:

Wife and I had a couple over for dinner. I cooked a fairly complex meal, drinks, beer, dessert. Right as they walked in they said they only had an hour because they had another dinner thing to get to after this one.

11. Don’t ever be the guy u/Socialist7 is talking about:

I used to work in an office with a guy who would run and tell the management about every single little thing people did or said. Any offhand remark and he would run squealing to the managers about it. The worst part was he acted like your friend to lull you into a false sense of security.

12. I want to cry on behalf of u/zSilverFox‘s dad 🙁

We visited family overseas, including my dad, who I hadn’t seen in a decade. My dad went all out and got us a cabin on a nearby (2 hour drive) nature reserve. He saved a longass time and spent a lot of money to take us to different areas in said reserve to see wildlife and enjoy scenery. His birthday was that week. At the party his wife made a point that she was upset she couldn’t get him an expensive ring she liked “because you kids came down and cost us so much.” He doesn’t even like rings. He wanted to make memories with his children, fuck me right?

Edit: the money was his, she was covering bills to allow him to save up his disability income so she had less spending money. She prioritized her kids above all else and was manipulative as fuck. An honorable mention:

When my dad moved in with her, she sent my mom a letter saying he needed to hear that his marriage was truly over, the divorce was final, and that his children would be ok without him in our lives. My mother obliged as step-mom was her trusted friend. It wasn’t easy but she felt it was for the best that he get closure. Turns out my dad wanted to stay in contact and be involved in his kids lives. He never knew that his step-mom told her to send a letter. He was destroyed when he read it. It still hurts him today.