People Admit The Most Embarrassing Times That They Forgot The Name For Something.

We all have those moments. You KNOW the word you want to use but you just can’t seem to find it in your brain. Whatchamacallit, hoosywhatsit and thingamabob are names people might use when they just can’t seem to recall the correct word for an object. But sometimes people get even more creative.
Reddit user the_slippery_shoe asked, “What’s the funniest name you’ve heard someone call an object when they couldn’t remember its actual name?”. In less than 10 days there were over 10,000 responses. Here are 30 of the funniest.

Grumpy Gathering

My boyfriend thought it was clever when I asked what the right word was for “an angry parade”.
(I meant)….a protest.


That’s Close Mom

My mom referred to Guitar Hero as “Carpet Banjo” one time. Me and my friends still call it that.
