9 Things To Be Thankful For In Your 20’s

7. Finding ice cream in the freezer that you completely forgot was there.

It is the little moments like these that make everything in life worth it and give you every reason to be thankful. When you are having a long day and then open the freezer up to ice cream you suddenly become so very thankful. Sure, it’s just ice cream, but it’s a metaphor for life’s little moments when you feel complete and utter happiness.

8. Getting your heart broken.

It may seem silly to be thankful for having a broken heart, but it’s taught you a lot of things. When you get your heart broken in your 20’s, you always feel as though the world is ending. But, hey, look at you – living. Your first heartbreak is always the worst, but it teaches you a lot of things you need in life – like, you can survive without that man, you can get over the serious pain, life goes on.

9. Every regret and mistake.

As bad as they may be, the regret and mistakes have made you into the strong 20-something-year-old that you are. You’ve fallen on your face a bunch, you’ve had your heart broken and you’ve definitely thought about giving up. But, you’ve strived through and made it out of the bad days – even though you’ve f*cked up a lot. That is for sure something to be thankful for.