People Are Sharing Their Awkward Childhood Photos And Some Of Them Are Cringeworthy

6. Boy, that hair could reach the ceiling.

2001/2002 When I shopped exclusively at Hot Topic
byu/dammitammityo inblunderyears

7. Spells out “2006 f*ckboy.”

My first MySpace selfie, circa 2006. The flip phone, the pose, the crippling embarrassment.
by inblunderyears

8. Remember the scene kid days?

Freshman year I used a bottle of hair spray a week
by inblunderyears

9. Did you cut your bangs yourself? JW.

I was 20 years old. An actual adult.
by inblunderyears

10. Nice leg cross there.

My husband with "ruffles"
byu/Wondergirl91 inblunderyears