People Are Sharing Their Awkward Childhood Photos And Some Of Them Are Cringeworthy

26. With that hair, I’m sure you have been.

I’ve been reeling in pussy since 2005 from blunderyears

27. Looks like a bad boyband exploded.

My attire for Homecoming. (male) from blunderyears

28. Remember when we took selfies with digital cameras and they were so ~awkward~

Thought it would look good to have cornrows but it got too painful about halfway through. from blunderyears

29. Are you licking that bass?

Wore a beanie for two days to get my greasy hair to cover my eyes. Also had no idea how to play that bass. from blunderyears

30. Nothing says “badass” like a Twilight t-shirt.

2008 was problematic…and yes, that is a clip in red hair extension. from blunderyears