“Riverdale” is a CW show based off of the old school Archie comics characters – but, with a huge twist. I’m usually not a huge fan of CW shows because they’re super “teenage drama-y,” but, Riverdale has a dark, twisted overhead that deals with lies, murder, and scandal. I was hooked from the moment I knew it was a murder mystery. Since season one premiered, people have been hooked because of the storyline and the really, ridiculously good-looking cast. It’s one of those shows that will have a following like “One Tree Hill” or “Pretty Little Liars,” and make network history, so, get ready, y’all.
1. This Archie Andrews hoodie:
Get it on Amazon.
2. This Jughead was here phone case.
Get it on Amazon.
3. This Betty crown sweater.
Get it from LookHuman.
4. This Jughead quote t-shirt:
Get it from LookHuman.
5. This Betty and Veronica BFF tank:
Get it from LookHuman.