Kim Kardashian And Demi Lovato Both Dressed Up As ‘Selena’ But Received Completely Different Reactions

When you dress up as someone for Halloween, there’s always a chance that you’re going to show up somewhere wearing the same costumes as someone else. For us average ass people, it’s normal to walk into a party and see a girl wearing the exact same costume – we dread it, but we know it’s bound to happen. When you’re a celebrity, it’s kind of weird when someone rocks the same costume because literally everyone and their mother will see it – especially if you’re a celebrity like Kim Kardashian.

Both Kim Kardashian and Demi Lovato dressed as late Mexican-American singer “Selena” for Halloween this year. While both costumes absolutely killed it, the two powerhouse women received very different reactions to their costumes, which – not going to lie – really f*cking pissed me off. They took inspo. from this red jumpsuit Selena rocked at a concert.

Here’s Demi Lovato’s version of Selena:

People were obviously obsessed with this look, because, she looks amazing.

Now, here’s Kim Kardashian’s version of Selena:

But, unlike Demi Lovato, people were pretty f*cking rude to Kim.

I have one f*cking question y’all:

What is it about Kim Kardashian that everyone loves to jump on top of her until she can’t breathe? If you’re going to say that something is wrong – everyone should be wrong. Not just one person. How can Kim Kardashian be so over the top and “culturally appropriating” Mexican-American culture, but, Demi Lovato isn’t? If you were to ask me, Demi went a bit further than Kim did because – the girl has her whole underboob area out and about. But, if you’re going to hate on Kim for being Selena, you damn well better serve Demi that same bitter-ass attitude.

Lay off the salt, y’all.