61 Awkward Memes That’ll Make You Say ‘Hahaha. Oh, Wait, That’s Me.’

Memes are easily becoming the best way to deal with everything in life. Do you need to get a good laugh? Look at memes. Is a guy not texting you back? Tag him in a meme. Is your friend going through a bad breakup? Send her a meme. Memes have become the best way to deal with the horrible, disgusting and depressing world we currently live in – so if you’re feeling like America is about to burn to the ground, make it into a meme so everyone can feel a bit better about watching it turn to ashes. Sometimes, as hilarious as memes are – they hit too close to home. And, we’re left to stare at our phones laughing our asses off until we pause and realize – f*ck, this is so me.


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